Saturday, October 2, 2010

day 12

I think this is a stupid Tumblr advertisement... so I'm going to talk about safety scissors instead, because it's my blog and I can do that.

For some reason unexplained to me, safety scissors are popping up everywhere in my life. Somehow, I can get a conversation about what color we should paint the bathroom turned into a rant on safety scissors. Because honestly, they’re just so pointless (pun unintended. Trust me, they have enough of a point that two 5 year old boys can do quite a bit of damage to a desk) that it’s hard not to.
How in the world are you supposed to cut with those things? That’s like trying to slice a loaf of bread with a spoon. The only people who can do it are kindergarteners. And since they seem to enjoy such challenges, they tend to ruin a lot of things with safety scissors. If you give them real scissors, however, they magically don’t get hurt. So I’m still not sure why we need the blunt sort. They’re not safer, they’re not easier to use, and they’re definitely not keeping us from economic ruin (that’s Obama. He’s doing everything in his godlike power to not spend our money on stupid things, like education and terrorist protection, therefore getting us out of debt.)
However, they are fun to throw at people, so I suppose I can’t say that they’re completely useless.

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