Monday, May 31, 2010

the final week of death


so far this year, I've been really bad at the whole death thing. i press the key and submit my essay at 10:58 eastern on friday night, then collapse in my chair and wake up the next morning (afternoon) with traumatic amnesia.
i've got a world lit,church history, confirmation, physical science, and math exams, plus humanities essay (i'm doing arianism), math, science, and world lit homework that i've procrastinated on, and summer league swim team starts on tuesday, which means i'll be at the pool until 11:00 every day.
on the bright side, i'll be able to get out of a shopping trip.
so the general game plan is- lock myself in my bedroom, with the door and window locked from the outside, with textbooks, laptop, and study notes. and a pitcher of water and pot of coffee.
I'll let you know if it works. if it doesn't, dead week will have finally killed me.

Friday, May 28, 2010

art projects

I just got 4 of my pictures back, and I realize how much I suck at this whole art thing. Everybody thinks they're good, but they're really, really not. but then i saw something that made me even madder than messing up a lip-they're all faces, all girls, and none of them have anything interesting to them

So I had to find a bunch of pictures to use for art this summer, and this is what I came up with. There'll also be a graffiti- brick wall in black and white, "truth" written in calligraffiti, and "lies" scribbled all over it. But I'm not using a model for that one.

for this one, I'm going to tweak it so that the cloud is bigger, and make it a raincloud. The girl will be slouching. I'll probably have to use a horrible media for it, because we're required to do at least one of each media, but I'll probably ruin the cloud anyway, so that's okay.

I don't know what I'll do that one in, but I rather like it, so maybe I'll actually be motivated to finish. Maybe.

This one's Clare's, and I'll have to use pencil because it's the only thing I'm really great at, and it's a good contest piece. And this way we won't be lying to the poor mexican dude.

and this last one just might be my favorite. it's a cloud made out of umbrellas (i'm on an umbrella kick lately) so it'll be shaded minimalist watercolor, which should be fun.

and I just went crazy and decided to do a mixed media, same size copy of the centerfold for memento mori, by flyleaf. I don't have a picture, but trust me-I'm crazy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

make lemonade

everybody (almost) tells you that when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade. but some of these people leave the sugar out of the lemonade, making a bitter, sour mixture that nobody wants to drink. they just wasted a perfectly good pitcher full of water. remember when you were a little kid and you sucked on lemons cuz you thought you were tough? i'll bet you didn't like lemons more than lemonade, but you ate them anyway. people use their lemon juice as an excuse to have a crappy life. "oh, i would have made better lemonade, but all i had was lemons, no sugar. so i'll just be a saint and be content with what's given me. go feel sorry for me and compliment me and give me sugar!"
others will leave the lemons on the counter, hidden behind the bowl full of apples, bananas, and kiwis. they let them rot, and are proud of themselves for being able to overcome their lemon. maybe if you have a neat freak of a room mate, they'll even clean up the lemon for you. but you're wasting your lemon! you could make lemonade out of that, but instead you leave it, because it looks sour and icky and you're too stupid to squeeze it and add some sugar.
then again, you don't have to make lemonade. if you don't like lemonade, don't make it. make lemon bars. lemon mereingue pie. lemon flavored skittles!

use it well
the way you want to